Tuesday, April 19, 2016


Today was magical.  Today something happened that some may confuse as a coincidence with God's faithfulness.  Today was a day I will never forget and I would be remised if I didn't share it with all of you.  It reminds me of another experience I had while I was still in Washington, but first I will share today's goodness. 

Last night, I really felt I needed to make a journal entry about things that are currently happening in my life and where I feel a void.  At this moment in my life, I really struggle with most of my friends being engaged, married, or even on their first, second, or even third kiddo.  Some days are much easier than others, but I'm also not going to settle for someone that God did not send to me, that Isn't God's best just so I can be in a relationship.  It's so much more than that for me and some days it's hard to stand that firm ground because it does get lonely with me and my little guy.  It was a rather short entry in my journal, but sometimes I just need to talk to my Father.  There wasn't a whole lot to it, but my final sentence in my journal read, "please make your presence well known to me, All my Love, Wendi" 

I woke up this morning still feeling a heavy heart from my thoughts last night, but I still went about my day.  Finished my morning routine, took care of Smoke, gave him his cookie and headed to take on the day.  I always enjoy listening to Christian music in the morning and definitely needed it today.  I was hoping to shake this heavy heart before I got to work where I care for cancer patients.  I continued with my morning with the warm up of our machines and preparation for the day.  That's when the UNBELIEVEABLE happened.  At exactly 9:00 am today, I received a text message from my best girlfriend and sister in Christ, Mary.  Let me tell you, it was so hard for me to read the text because within the first few sentences I had tears rolling down my cheeks.  For most of you who know me, that's REALLY NOT unusual to see me with tears, but today they were thankful tears.  I cannot even begin to explain in words what I was thinking and feeling the moment I was reading her message.  I had goosebumps on my arms, my paperwork wet with tears.  I sat in silence trying to figure out what had just happened.  I was absolutely awestruck.  I hand an overwhelming amount of thankfulness for my friendship with Mary and my relationship with the Lord, but at the same time I was really FREAKED out.  A few short sentences in her message ready, "I feel the Lord tugging at my heart this morning to write this to you,..."  That was when I knew this message was straight from God. I shared this with Mary earlier today and she was just as mesmerized as I was.  I could tell some verbage was Mary's typical wording, but there were so many other statements that were words of the Lord and were actually read in God's voice in my head and there was a very distinct difference.  You guys, I can't make this stuff up.  It was unreal and I knew at that very moment God was answering my final statement in my journal entry, "please make your presence well known to me."  He did in a big way!  It wasn't even 12 hours later and the Lord answered, quickly.  He was here, he was showing me his IS faithful.  PRAYER WORKS! I'm also grateful for such a wonderful friend in Mary.  Her devotion to the Lord is extremely inspiring, she's got a great heart for the Lord's voice and when he speaks to her she acts on it.  I couldn't have asked for a better friend in my life.  WHAT A BLESSING! 

Do not be anxious about anything, but in every situation, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving present your requests to God.
-Philippians 4:6

My other experience where the Lord made his presence well known was shortly after my ex-husband told me he was leaving me.  My sister had flown up for that weekend to spend time with me and to help me get myself back together.  She and I decided to go to a little place in Tacoma, WA just on East side waterfront.  It was a beautiful day in the Pacific Northwest and we just wanted to get out of the house. She and I were sitting on the deck overlooking the water enjoying the beauty of the area when a gentleman walked by our table, looked at us, and continued into the restaurant.  Not even 1 min later, that same man walked back outside to our table, reached into his pocket and pulled out a little wooden cross and handed it to me.  He said, "I'm not sure why, but I was prompted to give you this," and handed me the cross.  I immediately started crying.  I knew this was my first BELIEF of the UNBLIEVEABLE!  The Lord sent that man to give me a cross so I would know he was with me.  I looked up at my sister speechless with tears in my eyes and she said, "Little, he's here with you."  I finally was able to respond to the gentleman with, "you have no idea what this means to me."  


God is so good.  He is FAITHFUL.  His promises hold TRUE.  Prayer works!  Keep Chasing the Lord.  Even though my life is not exactly where I want it to be right now, it's right where God wants it.  I will continue to wait for God's best and nothing else.  Being a Christian in not the easy way of life.  I've lived life before proclaiming the Lord as the leader of my life and now I will never turn back.  It's not easy, but it is more glorious to see the magic and splendor of our Heavenly Father. 

I think I'll stay here...IN HIS GLORY

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