Saturday, January 23, 2016


Welcome to my first blog!  When I first started to share with a dear friend what the Lord was placing on my heart about reaching others in His Kingdom, she immediately jumped on board and began lifting me up in prayer.  With a lot of prayer and encouragement from my friend, Mary, I would not be sharing how God saved me.  It isn't and never will be about what I've done to be saved, but it's because of WHO He is that we are all...


 It's interesting when you reach out to the Lord, the things you find yourself doing, perhaps writing a blog you never dreamed of writing. I know, with all of my heart, the Lord is calling me to share my testimony with as many men and women who are in search of the TRUTH.  I am thankful that I came to know the TRUTH before I began my journey through the greatest trial I have experienced in my 30 years of existence.  I challenge you to reflect on how much you have put down or are willing to put down to seek the TRUTH. 

Thursday, January 7, 2016


Instead of doing a New Year's resolution, I have decided, again, to chose a word that the Lord has put in my heart.  Last year my word was STRENGTH and I wasn't sure how that was going to turn out, but throughout the year I gradually began to gain strength in so many ways.  Ways I didn't even know were possible and most importantly strength in standing up for what I believe in and my value as a woman!  I couldn't be more fulfilled in the ways God used me this past year.  Praise Him for all of the strength I was able to gain in 2015!  This next year is going to be a fantastic year for me, I can just feel it and know God's promises hold true!
And know that in all things God works for the good of those who Love Him, who have been called to his purpose
Romans 8:28
This year the Lord has put it on my heart to TRUST Him in ALL things.  Now that I have gained my strength back in the woman I am, it is time to trust my Father in everything, and I mean it all!  I can already tell this is going to be a great deal of a challenge this year because I'm ready to experience all of the blessings and joy he has for my life, but wanted it yesterday.  I constantly am reminding myself, "In His timing Wendi."  It's only the 7th day of the month and I'm already becoming anxious about certain things in my life, namely my relationship or lack thereof.  I'm beyond ready to find a man who has a heart for the Lord and cherishes my tender soul.  I know it's going to take a special someone to be with my soft heart, but the wait will be worth it when the time is right for God to reveal him to me!  I've got to TRUST His timing and the man He's already chosen for me, because let's face it, he knows exactly what I need and when. 
Trust in the Lord with all your heart
    and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
    and he will make your paths straight.
Proverbs 3:5-6
When I am afraid, I will trust in You
Psalm 56:3
Do not let your hearts be troubled. Trust in God; trust also in me
John 14:1
I do have some personal updates to share!  I recently was given a new job at a University Hospital here in my area!  I am beyond excited and honored to be working at such a well-known, reputable hospital in the area.  I am still treating Cancer patients with radiation as a therapist, but have just moved hospitals.  God answered a prayer that had been ongoing for about 2 years.  It's always fun to be able to look back at all the prayers God truly answers in our lives!  The picture below is from the NYE event my sister and some of our girlfriends went to this year!  We had a blast and can't wait for what this year has in store for all of us!

Also, I have taken a leap of faith with joining Silpada!  I have loved their jewelry since I ordered my first piece and now have decided to join their team.  Along with the traditional Silpada silver jewelry, the company launched a new collection in the past year called the K&R collection, which I am absolutely in love with.  If you know me personally, you KNOW this is the jewelry I wear ALL THE TIME.  I have attached my link if you are curious about Silpada, the jewelry, or are even interested in hosting a girls night in.  I would love to share this journey with all of you!