Saturday, January 23, 2016


Welcome to my first blog!  When I first started to share with a dear friend what the Lord was placing on my heart about reaching others in His Kingdom, she immediately jumped on board and began lifting me up in prayer.  With a lot of prayer and encouragement from my friend, Mary, I would not be sharing how God saved me.  It isn't and never will be about what I've done to be saved, but it's because of WHO He is that we are all...


 It's interesting when you reach out to the Lord, the things you find yourself doing, perhaps writing a blog you never dreamed of writing. I know, with all of my heart, the Lord is calling me to share my testimony with as many men and women who are in search of the TRUTH.  I am thankful that I came to know the TRUTH before I began my journey through the greatest trial I have experienced in my 30 years of existence.  I challenge you to reflect on how much you have put down or are willing to put down to seek the TRUTH. 

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