Monday, March 23, 2015


If there is one thing that I have noticed it is that the closer I get to God, the more Satan tries to take me down.  I can remember when I was really diving into my relationship with God, it seemed that everything in my life started to be crushed into shambles.  I was losing some friends, who I thought were close friends, my marriage was falling apart, and I became harsh and judgmental.  I wasn't judgmental of others, but I sure loved knocking myself. for everything I've done "wrong."  Satan was there, right next to me.  As a matter of fact he was sitting on my shoulder, letting me know where I was falling short.  Not only in every relationship in my life and but mostly why my marriage was ending.  Interesting enough, I began to believe what Satan was telling me because it was coming from him and from others enmeshed in my life that should not have been.  It's easy to believe him when he takes a small amount of truth and stretches it to make you believe his lies.  Have you been here before?  Questioning everything you believed about yourself.  You're not alone.  Satan is so sly in his works that we don't even realize he's in our mind until it's too late. 

In a sense, our every day life is a test of the relationship we have with the Lord.  Each of the trials we experience test our faith in the Lord and build our relationship with The Heavenly Father.  We all experience different seasons in our life and when the opportunities present themselves,  God is right there to meet us RIGHT where we are.  He is there to lead our hearts into everlasting eternity with him.  He is directing our steps.  He is our lamp. 
Your word is a lamp to my feet
And a light to my path
{Psalms 119:105}
Circumstances will come your way for those who believe and those who don't.  The difference is in how we choose to respond to tough waters.  When a trial comes our way, our emotions reveal true colors and reflect what is truly going on in our head and more importantly our hearts.   

Have you ever let someone change your mood for a day?  We all have!  I know that I am definitely guilty of that, but the truth is I am ultimately in control of my emotions and that's it.  I realize I can't guard what I don't own and must remember to not let circumstances or people affecting my circumstances be responsible for my emotions.  In rough waters it is important that we own our emotions and refuse to allow a transfer of feelings to or from us.  For those of us who believe, we should always be reminded that even though the situation seems unbearable and impossible to deal with at the time, that the Lord is setting our paths straight and he already has something for you that you have no idea about.  What we can be assured of is that the Lord is directing us down the path he wants us to travel in order to become the woman he wants us to be.  God exposes our hearts through testing so we must always guard our heart.

Keep trudging forward!  God has a plan.  Even though you feel like you are at the end of the rope with your faith, that your prayers aren't being answered, and you want to quit praying...DON'T.  God is working!  He is giving you what you need when you want it. 

Above all else guard your heart
for everything you do flows from it
{Proverbs 4:23}
~When it's hardest to pray,
PRAY your hardest~